WCRHA Awards Banquet – 2025
Date: Saturday, March 1, 2025
Cocktails: 5:00 PM | Dinner: 6:00 PM
Location: Fox Haven Ranch, 3458 Byer Rd, Byron, CA

WCRHA YEAR END AWARDS (updated 2024)
WCRHA awards beautiful buckles to the Champion and Reserve Champion in each class and embroidered jackets to the Top Five in each class plus other great awards through fifth place for year end awards.
WCRHA year end awards are given in the following classes: Open, Intermediate Open, Limited Open, Prime Time Open, Rookie Professional, Non Pro, Intermediate Non Pro, Limited Non Pro, Prime Time Non Pro, Masters Non Pro, Novice Horse Open Level 1, Novice Horse Open Level 2, Novice Horse Non Pro Level 1, Novice Horse Non Pro Level 2, Snaffle Bit/Hackamore, Rookie 1, Rookie 2, Prime Time Rookie, Youth 13 & Under, Youth 14-18, Youth Rookie, Short Stirrup, WCRHA Green Reiner, WCRHA Green as Grass.
No year end awards are given in the following classes: Novice Horse Open Level 3, Novice Horse Non Pro Level 3, Unrestricted Youth, WCRHA Youth Reining, NRHA Green Reiner Levels 1&2, WCRHA Walk/Trot Reining 10 & Under, Ranch Riding or AQHA classes.
To be eligible for WCRHA year end awards you must meet the following criteria:
The horse’s owners and riders must be current members in good standing of WCRHA before any year end points can be earned at any show. You must pay a nomination fee of $35 per horse to qualify for year end awards. This fee must be paid and the nomination form filled out before any points are counted towards year end awards. The form is available on the WCRHA website on the membership form and also in the show office. There will be no year end points awarded retroactively. The horse and rider must compete in a minimum of three (3) shows per class. These shows are listed on the WCRHA website.
There are two different amounts of year end points that can be earned depending upon which shows you attend.
- A maximum of 15 points will be awarded ONLY at the four (4) WCRHA Affiliate shows and the WCRHA Year End Show. This only applies when there are 15 or more entries actually shown in a class. (example; If there are 15 entries in the class, First Place = 15 points, Second Place = 14 points, etc. If there are 25 entries in the class, First Place = 15 points, Second Place = 14 points, etc. If there are 7 entries in the class, First Place = 7 points, Second Place = 6 points, etc. No points are awarded for a 0 score)
- A maximum of 5 points will be awarded each day of the show at WCRHA approved shows – Spring Gold-n-Grand and Summer Gold-n- Grand. This only applies if there are 5 or more entries actually shown in a class. Each individual day you show will count as a show attended for year end totals.
The WCRHA approved shows are not put on or managed by WCRHA but we give our approval to these shows to give our members more opportunities to show their horses and accumulate year end points. These shows report their results to WCRHA and your points earned there will be included in our totals for the year end points and awards.
The amount of money won each time will count towards total money won. The money earned at the shows is used to break any ties in year end points. In Youth classes, ties will be broken by the youth with the most 1st place finishes, then 2nd place finishes, etc.
The WCRHA year end points are listed on the WCRHA website and are updated regularly. If you have any questions whatsoever about the points or your eligibility please call Art Fingerle as soon as possible.
This is a general overview of the NRHA Affiliate Program. Please refer to NRHA.com/affiliate or REINER Magazine for the eligible classes and other specific details.
The rider and owner must be current WCRHA and NRHA members prior to competing at the ARC. Horse must have an NRHA competition license.
Anyone receiving a score higher than a zero at an ARC will be able to enter that class at the NAAC in Oklahoma City. There are no requirements to compete at an ARC other than the rider must be a member of an NRHA Affiliate, which they are encouraged to join beforehand.
For Class Descriptions click here.